Concern Index Page
1stKeyOptz : First Key Optimization
Since the first key is used in every comparision, precompute its character position.
AltEoln : Alternate End-of-Line Delimiter
In some applications, the null character (end-of-text) is a better way to mark end-of-line then the normal '\n' character.
Application : Application
The main program.
Asserts : Assertion Support
Include assertion support.
BadField : Bad Field Message
Report an invalid field specification.
Blanks : Define Blank Characters
Provide a comprehensive notion of blank characters.
BufStream : Last Record Rollover
Rollover the last record of each buffer for comparision to the first record of the refilled buffer. This ensures that files read with multiple buffers are treated as a continuous sequential stream.
ByteOrder : Compare Record Bytes
Default comparision order
CharSet : Character Set Definition
Globals and other support for a 8 bit representation of characters.
CheckMode : Check Only Mode
Check whether the input files are in sorted order. This does not sort any of the files.
CmndLine : Command Line Support
Halt program when an error occurs.
DictOnly : Dictionary Characters Only
Use only dictionary characters in text comparisions.
ErrorExit : Standard Error Exit
Halt program when an error occurs.
ErrorSrvc : Error Services
Standard service to report errors.
FieldCompare : Compare two keys
Compare the two keys for the current field using the appropriate ordering criteria.
FieldMgmt : Field List Management
Provide a list of sort fields ordered by significance.
FieldOpts : Field Command Line Options
Parse command line options for each field.
FieldSeq : Sequence of Fields
Provide a series of field descriptors
Fields : Define and Extract Fields
Support the definition of single fields.
FltOrder : Floating Point Sort Order
Order records by converting the text to floating point values and comparing the resulting values.
GlobalKey : Global Sort Order
Define global sorting options.
GlobalOpts : Global Command Line Options
Parse global command line options.
GnuOpts : Gnu Long Options
Support the Gnu long option command line switches.
IgnoreCompare : Compare with ignore capability
Compare two character arrays while ignoring some characters.
IgnoreText : Ignore Some Text
Ignore some characters during text comparisions.
Input : Read Input Files
Provide efficient mechanisms for reading input files.
LargeFile : Sort a Large File
Sort a large file by breaking it into sections that can be sorted efficiently.
Locale: Locale
Support the user's locale. Different locales provide different notions of alphabetic order.
LocaleOptz : Optimize locale access
Read locale specific information into fast access tables.
LocaleSrvc : Locale Services
Locale services provided by the virtual machine.
MergeFiles : Merge Multiple Sorted Files
Efficiently merge the contents from an arbitrarily long list of named files.
MergeMode : Merge Only Mode
Merge all of the files provided by SrcSpec without sorting any of them.
Modes : Mode Manager
Halt program when an error occurs.
MonOrder : Month Name Sort Order
Order records by month name.
MultiOrder : Multiple Ordering Criteria
Order records using a sequence of field descriptions.
NumOrder : Numeric Sort Order
Order records by numeric order without converting the text to a numeric value.
OldFields : Deprecated Field Specification
Supports the old [+[-]] field syntax.
OutSpec : Output File Specification
Allow the user to name a destination file.
OutputBytes : Output the Result Lines
Write the results to the output file.
OutputRslt : Output the Result Lines
Write the results to the output file.
POSIX : POSIX Field Specification
Support the POSIX standard field specification syntax [-k<pos>[,<pos>]]
PrintOnly : Printable Characters Only
Use only printable characters in text comparisions.
ProgId : Program Identification
Identify the program, the author, and provide the copyright information.
ProgName : Program Name
Changes the program name in some user output.
Protect : Overwrite Protection
Prevent certain command lines from inadvertantly overwriting the output file.
RecOrder : Record Order
Define the order between two records.
RevGlobal : Global Reverse Ordering
Reverse the sense of full record comparisions.
RevKey : Reverse Ordering on Key
Reverse the sense of key based record comparisions.
SigHand : Signal Handling
Shut down cleanly if the system signals an error to the program.
SimpleCompare : Compare simple text
Compare two character sequences.
SingleSortOptz : Optimize Single Sort IO
Sort a small, single file input directly to the output file, bypassing the temporaries files that are normally used.
Solaris-y0 : Solaris -y0 Switch Compatability
Prevent reports of an unknown option simply by ignoring this flag.
SortFiles : Sort Files
Sort a list of files
SortLines : Sort Lines
Sort a block of lines
SortMode : Sort Mode
Sort the input file(s).
SrcSpec : List of Input Files to Process
Allow the user to specify a number of files for processing.
StableOpt : Stable Sort
Perform a stable sort.
StdError : Standard Error Reporting
Report errors in standard format
SysCfg : System Configuration
Various system configuration settings.
SysCtrl : System Control Transfers
Receive and release thread of execution to the operation system.
SysEnv : System Environment
Provide access to the system provided environment space.
SysIO: System IO
System IO services.
SysMem : System Memory Allocator
Provide basic memory allocation services.
SysSrvc : System Services
General purpose virtual machine services.
TabSep : Tab character separated fields
Use a tab character to separates individual fields.
TempCleanup : Temporary File Cleanup
Implements the cleanup behavior for temporary file management.
TempDir : Temporary Directory Specification
Allow the user to set the area for intermediate files
TempMngr : Temporary File Management
Centralized management of temporary files for all applications. A key behavior is to delete of all intermediate files on program exit.
TempSpace : Defines Space for Temporary Files
Provide a pool of filenames for intermediate results.
TextOrder : Text Sort Order
Order fields based on the text of the field.
TransText : Translate Characters
Translate characters during text comparisions.
TrimFields : Trim Fields
Trim spaces from a field.
TrimKey : Trim spaces in keys
Trim leading spaces in keys, especially for type conversion
UniqueOpt : Unique Records Only
Remove all duplicate records from the input.
UpperCase : Translate to Upper Case
Provide a comprehensive notion of uppercase translation.
UpperMon : Uppercase month names
Improve month name recognition by using a single case.
UpperText : Upper Case Text During Comparisions
Translate characters to upper case for text comparisions.
UsageMsg : Usage Message and Exit
Display a summary of options and usage parameters for the user.
Version : Program Version Information
Provide the program version when requested.
WhiteSep : White space separated fields
WorkArea : Merge Sort Work Area
Provide a work area for merge sort
WrapIO : Wrapped IO
Extend the basic System IO functions as needed for the sort application.
WrapMem : Wrap Memory Allocator
Provide application specific enhancements to the system's standard memory allocator.