Remodularization Case Study

Remodularization Case Study

Remodularization work is fraught with well-meaning teams that get in over their heads.  Lack of experience with the practices of large-scale refactoring is common.  Although some individuals may have experience with this, it is very rare for a development team to repeatedly remodularize their project.  Without experience, it’s very easy for a team to find themselves trapped in an unproductive cycle of rework and redesign.

Although experience takes time, awareness of the recurring challenges helps flatten out the remodularization learning cure. Yes, every restructuring project has its unique elements, but the structure and flow of these projects have patterns that are predictable. Although these patterns are not readily codified, a review of case studies can reduce the problems and boost success.

The modularization work on the Pnambic Website provides a basic case study that brings forth several recurring issues: Website Lessons.

Two essential points need to be stressed:

  1. Recognize restructuring projects early.
  2. Inventories of the target components are essential.

The paper provides additional detail and prescriptive suggestions to these broad concerns. The paper provides guidance for the early stages of a remodularization project and can help teams set reasonable and achievable expectations.


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